Boost Device Apps

IPC - Indian Penal Code 2.0
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IPC, Indian Penal Code - Complete 23 Chapters and 511 Sections,Updated 2016
Constitution of India 1.0
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Constitution of India app presents simplified Constitution ofIndia.
Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act 1.0
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The Lokpal Act, 2013, termed The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013,an anti-corruption Act of Indian Parliament in India which "seeksto provide for the establishment of the institution of Lokpal toinquire into allegations of corruption against certain publicfunctionaries and for matters connecting them". Lokpal Act wasstarted by honorable Manmohan Singh six years ago (after passing ofRTI). In 2011 Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act was drafted. After severalattempts and modifications, it was finalized and passed on 18December 2013. Lokpal Act was enacted on 1 Jan 2014. So get yourLokpal app right away to fight against corruption. Only fighting isnot the solution, Vigilance is the right way to do it, and we hopethat that our Lokpal app will help the masses in one way or theother by creating awareness through the digital information way. Soget your pocket friendly Lokpal Act now. This app is ad-supported.
Whistle Blowers Protection Act 1.0
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The Whistle Blowers Protection Act 2014. Whistle Blowers ProtectionAct safeguards people who are fighting against corruption orsimilar sort of issue. Whistle Blowers Protection Act protectspeople who reveals information which is fatal for those people whoare engaged in corruption or doing illicit/ illegal works orsimilar work. Whistle Blowers Protects these people so that theycan stand firm without any pressure developed from other people.Whistle Blowers Protection Act was started because of attacks onRTI activists. There are various instances in the past to present.One of the key aspects of Whistle Blowers Act is that Supreme Courthas ruled that identity of whistle blower will not be revealed tothe accused under Prevention of Corruption Act 1988. Our appeal tothe masses is to create awareness on Whistle Blowers ProtectionAct, since right vigilance is the only way to counter variousissues of the people. So get your pocket-friendly Whistle BlowersProtection Act right away. This app is ad-supported.
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POCSO ACT - Protection of Children from Sexual Offences - Updated2015
NDPS - Narcotic Drugs ACT 1.0
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The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, Updatedto2015 NDPS app is for knowing your limitations as well as tocreateawareness for people through the digital information way.NDPS appis highly recommended for visitors who visit from othercountries toIndia. NDPS app is also beneficial for people to showthem ways oftackling people who are doing illegal crops on variousbannednarcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. NDPS app alsocan be aboon for rehabilitation centres as they can educate theirtraineesbetter. NDPS ACT is to consolidate and amend the lawrelating tonarcotic drugs, to make stringent provisions for thecontrol andregulation of operations relating to narcotic drugs andpsychotropicsubstances, to provide for the forfeiture of propertyderived from,or used in, illicit traffic in narcotic drugs andpsychotropicsubstances, to implement the provisions of theInternationalConvention on Narcotic Drugs and PsychotropicSubstances and formatters connected therewith. Our appeal to themasses is to getvigilant. NDPS app is just a digital informationway to createawareness. So get your pocket-friendly NDPS app rightaway. This appis ad-supported.